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k o n T E X T l a b 15

Blade Runner :: everybody's favourite movie


Do. 24.05.07
20:00 Uhr   LABfactory

::  live stream... - 245022.1

Tyrell:  [...] You were made as well as we could make you.
Roy: But not to last.
Tyrell: The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. And you have burned so very very brightly, Roy. Look at you. You're the prodigal son. You're quite a prize!
Roy: I've done questionable things.
Tyrell: Also extraordinary things. Revel in your time.
Roy: Nothing the god of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for.

(Blade Runner 1982)
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ktl06.1 - 260283.1

Marina Grzinic
Thomas J. Jelinek
Harald Jokesch
Christoffer Koller
Ralo Mayer
Michael Reiter
Katherina Zakravsky


Thomas J. Jelinek
Katherina Zakravsky

im Anschluss
open.lab :: open.end
sound by: Ohrgasmus

Eintritt frei

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z.lo - 244311.1

So, we would like to ask the following questions... - 244315.1

A) If “Blade Runner” is one of your favourite movies

:: Under which biographical circumstances have you first seen “Blade Runner” (or later on if it was an intense experience once again) and how was its impact on you since then. Did your enthusiasm vane or re-emerge (e.g. with the release of the “Director’s Cut”)?
:: If you could make a list of your 5 or 10 favourite films and “Blade Runner” is one of them could you give us the list?

B) If you think the film is highly overrated, or even hate the film

:: Could you give us a brief analysis why the film does not impress you and what might be the reasons why so many others overestimate it?

:: Do you think the book is far better than the film?

:: Please do not focus your criticism on the fact that the director Ridley Scott did commercials before and some bad films later.

C) Bonus Questions

:: Would you consider the only new scene inserted in the Director‘s Cut – Deckard’s dream of a unicorn – an improvement of the film?

:: Does the scene indicate that Deckard is a replicant himself?

:: Do you see him as a replicant?

:: Would it make the story more interesting if he would be one? - 244313.1 - 244317.1

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