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CAMP.LAB 1   y.balken - 274326.1english.activ - 279488.1deutsch - 279496.1        

                                       details> - 264104.1

28.07. - 05.08.2006                              Vienna/A

downloads> - 264108.1

campfilmleiste2 - 254517.1


1st. DAY Fri. 28.07.06  details> - 264104.1 video> - 264106.1

18:30: Opening: Fluc                             

daily program   :

    Opening - Storming
>Fortress and Favella<

Corinna Milborn (Journalist, Vienna) Presentation of the book
>>Gestürmte Festung Europa<< [Assaulted Fortress Europe]

film lecture
20:00 Silvia Santangelo Jura (Ethnologist, film maker, Vienna)
>>Die Königinnen vom Salgueiro<< [The Queens of Salgueiro]   


21:00 movie/video program:
>>Die KönigInnen vom Salgueiro haben relative Bürgerrechte<<
(Silvia Santangelo Jura)
>>Three cents<< (Ulli Gladik)
>>Sans papiers<< ( David Rych, Tanja Ostojic)

campfilmleiste2 - 254517.1

2nd. DAY Sat. 29.07.06 details> - 264104.1 video> - 264106.1

Lab process - daily program


Jedinstvo: 17:00
Darko Miloradovic >>Jedinstvo<< "The Club „Unity“ – From the classical Jugoslawian association for guest workers to interactive meeting point fort the Serbian community "


19:00 daily program:
    Provoking - Reconstructing
>Urbanism and Pop Intelligence<      

Fahim Amir (theorist, Vienna)
>>Precarious camps emerging. On Post-Fordism, precarious employment and
postmodern Anti-Racism<<

19:45: Volker Gessendorfer (theorist of architecture, Vienna)
>>Campers in Beirut<<

20:00 Discussion with Corinna Milborn


movie/video program:
>>Forst<< (Ascan Breuer, Ursula Hansbrauer, Wolfgang Konrad)
>>Bildungscamper: Der Blick des Patriarchen<< (Nicola Hochkeppel)


campfilmleiste2 - 254517.1

3rd.DAY Sun. 30.07.06 -  5th.DAY Tue. 01.08.06 

video> - 264106.1

Lab process - daily program

campfilmleiste2 - 254517.1

6th.DAY Wed. 02.08.06 details> - 264104.1 video> - 264106.1

Lab process - daily program

19:00 program of the day:                           
Dislocating -  Detaining
  >Asylum and Slum <

Karl Bruckschwaiger (historian, philosopher, Vienna)
>>Regional protection programs of the EU<<,
19:20 Herbert Langthaler
(ethologist, journalist, coordination of asylum policies, Austria)
>>Thinking the unthinkable. Arguments against the European border regime<<

20:30 Alexander Nikolic / Lukas Pusch

ca. 21:15

22:00 Bruckschwaiger::music::Nikolic

Film program:
>>Slum-TV<< (Alexander Nikolic, Lukas Pusch)

campfilmleiste2 - 254517.1

7th. DAY Thu. 03.08.06 details> - 264104.1 video> - 264106.1

Lab process - daily program

19:00 program of the day:
   Acting – Being Governed
>Discipline and Population <

Chris Standfest (Actor, dramaturgist, theorist of culture, Vienna) /
Katherina Zakravsky (Theorist of culture, performance artist, Vienna)
>>Generating Disciples. Controversy on self technique, discipline and compulsion<<


Tomislav Medak (Theorist of society, performer, activist, Zagreb) /
Fahim Amir (theorist, Vienna)>>Controversy on Genetic Colonialism and Biopolitics <<  / english


Film program:
>>Bilder gegen Feinbilder<<
>>Slum-TV<< (Alexander Nikolic, Lukas Pusch)
>>Die KönigInnen vom Salgueiro haben relative Bürgerrechte<< (Silvia Santangelo Jura)

campfilmleiste2 - 254517.1

8th.DAY Fri. 04.08.06   details> - 264104.1 video> - 264106.1

Lab process - daily program

19:00 program of the day:                           

Staging - Condensing
>Theatre and Urban Space<

Martin Wassermair (cultural and media activist)
>> Camp on Karlsplatz <<


Claudia Bosse (director of the theatre group “Theatercombinat”)
>>From Siege to Palais<<


Fred Büchel (actor, director: Fritzpunkt. Büro für theatralische Sofortmaßnahmen) and
Ulrich Beckefeld (architect: osa): >>From Camp to Manoeuvre<<

Film program:
>>Stadt des Kindes 2005<< [City of Children] by Ilse Chlan  and Elise Penzias
>>Mediacamp<< (public netbase)
>>Bildungscamper: Der Blick des Patriarchen<< (by Nicola Hochkeppel)

campfilmleiste2 - 254517.1

9th. DAY Sat. 05.08.06 details> - 264104.1 video> - 264106.1

Lab process - daily program

19:00 program of the day:               

Closing - Beginning
>Action and Vacuum<

Aldo Milhonic (Soziologe, Ljubljana):
>>On Art and Activism<< / english      


Presentation of the research group of the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
>>Curating in a cultural vacuum <<,
Moderation: Alexander Nikolic


campfilmleiste2 - 254517.1


Locations                                                                                       adresses


Fluc: Fußgängerpassage zum Riesenrad. Gabor Steiner Weg Praterstaße / 1020 Vienna
Jedinstvo: Kultur- und Sportverein; Praterstraße 9 / 1020 Vienna
LABfactory: Praterstraße 42/1/3 / 1020 Vienna  ] pfeilgrün2 - 254758.1


campfilmleiste2 - 254517.1