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Writing a newsletter

Before you can send a newsletter, you must publish the appropriate text on your platform in a Text or News fact. This way you also create an archive of sent newsletters in your platform. You will have afterwards to enter the infoID of this text in the input mask in the p-admin interface.

Subscriber list
Here you can see the list of the subscribed users. If you want to send a newsletter only to certain subscribers, you can make your selection here.

1) Click in the main menu on "Messages".
2) Click on the "modify" button in the row "Newsletter".
3) Click on the "modify" button in the row "Subscriber list".
4) Select the subscribers, to whom you want to send a newsletter, and click on the "send newsletter to selected subscribers" button. Now you see the "create newsletter" input form.
-> Please read further under "create newsletter", point 4.

Create newsletter
If you want to send a newsletter to all subscribers, start from this point.

1) Click in the main menu on "Messages".
2) Click on the "modify" button in the row "Newsletter".
3) Click on the "modify" button in the row "Create newsletter".
4) In this form you can change the sender names and sender email if necessary. In the last input field, you must enter the infoID of the text that you published previously.
5) Click on "continue to check". A test email will now be sent to the email address of your p-admin user.
6) If you are satisfied with the results, you can click on the "send the newsletter" button. With the "cancel" button you come back to the input form if you want to make changes.

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Автор: Astrid Holzhauser; Авторско право: factline Webservices GmbH; Публикиван от: Toby Neal (tobiasneal)
InfoID: 162312.5 (...версии); публикуван на: 08 May. 2006 10:47
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Newsletter06 Oct. 2010factlink