The facttext-editor is java-based. In order to run the facttext-editor you don't have to install any software. You just need a java-enabled browser. (Internet Explorer and Netscape-Browser, version 4 or higher).
In case you have problems loading facttext, please check the following settings:In case your settings are correct, but your problems aren't solved, you must download and install a new JavaVM (Java Virtuel Machine) at http://java.sun.com (under "popular-" or "hot downloads")
Informations for Mac-User: On Mac-Computers facttext only runs with the Safari-Browser, because it is the only Mac-Browser that supports the Java component "Live Connect". Make shure that you have the latest Version of Safari and MRJ (Java for Mac).
You may need to download and install the latest version of the MRJ (Java for Mac) from the Mac OS web site: http://developer.apple.com/java/classic.html