A) Cancel changes in TinyMCE Mode
For canceling steps while working in TinyMCE ,
just click the "undo"-Button in the menu bar.
B) Canceling changes BEFORE publishing As long as you don't click on "Publish", you can undo all changes and go back to the original version.
Steps: (1) You are either in the text- or in the editor-mode.
(2) Click on "Preview". (3) The system now asks you whether to publish or to save the new version of the fact as unpublished one. Click on "save and exit". (4) Now you have the possibility to erase the edited version. Click on "delete". Your changes have been deleted but the original version is still available.
C) Canceling changes AFTER publishing
The FCS has a consistent versioning system (see Version control system). Every published version of a fact (Text, News, Download, etc.) remains in the system. You can only create a further version, which represents the contents of the output version. In order to view a specific version, you can adjust the ending of the infoID in your address bar (see Meaning of the factID).
If you delete a newly published version, the previous ones remain in the system, but become hidden. In order to unhide them, you have to publish one of them.