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Version history:
location:  Services  Content-Services 13 Aug. 2010 13:21:30 factline5 - factline Webservices
location:  Services 13 Aug. 2010 13:13:09 factline5 - factline Webservices
location:  services 11 Aug. 2009 11:23:09 factline4 - Webservices factline 4
239662.6 Factchat 01 Aug. 2007 11:46  factline - factline Webservices GmbH
239662.5 Factchat 23 Jul. 2007 11:19  factline - factline Webservices GmbH
239662.4 Factchat 20 Jul. 2007 14:38  factline - factline Webservices GmbH
239662.3 factchat 11 Sep. 2006 14:12  gamsrieglera - Angela Gamsriegler
239662.2 No permission to view fact. 08 May 2006 13:27  tobiasneal - Toby Neal
239662.1 No permission to view fact. 27 Mar. 2006 15:34  tobiasneal - Toby Neal