Incoming transmission from the development department: Well, here we go folks. After a hard month of heavy discussion and painful testing and debugging under time pressure (as well as some development or course :) ), we are finally here - in a position to state that RSS is successfully integrated with the FCS internal mechanics and user interfaces. That was a needed and long awaited step - as they say, the web 2.0-fication of our system. Ill try to make a short overview of what lives behind the fancy RSS buttons. We had to merge our versioning and permission systems with the mechanics of "subscribing" to a feed, the end result being as they call it "Enterprise readiness" of FCS. One of the notable achievements was having the possibility to have private feeds, using Apache's HTTP authentication engine routed through our FCS user database. Another thing worth emphasizing is the great effort that had to be put in optimizing the performance, and making the comments feed-ed as part of the feed with an appropriate display... the analyze (explain) of the SQL query that was used to achieve that is 73 rows long. So we are close to the record for the most complex SQL query :). The result though is what was expected - it works, and works fast enough for the current stage of our database. I think ill stop here before I get too technical. Thanks to everybody that helped in the tough process and of course to all the fish too. :) Boyan & Ivo. End of transmission;