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Working with TinyMCE

For easier formatting of your texts, you can switch to the TinyMCE-editormode. Functions similar to Word are available in the TinyMCE.

(1) Click on the button: TinyMCE - 1127850.1 below the text or description field.
(2) Now, you can begin to enter your text into the TinyMCE-editor-window.

(3) In order to format text, highlight the respective words and click on the appropriate button.

Iconbar - 1123624.1

boldicon - 1127858.1 Bold:
With this button you are able to bold text-elements. Example
italicicon - 1127900.1 Italic:
With this button you are able to style text-elements italic. Example
underlineicon - 1128010.1
With this button you are able to unterline text-elements. Example
strikethroughicon - 1127956.1
With this button you are able to strikethrough text-elements. Example
forecoloricon - 1127878.1
Text colour:
Change your text colour.
backcoloricon - 1127854.1
Background colour:
Select a background colour.
Factlink icon - 1123596.1
Direct the cursor to the desired position. Click on the button. Enter the infoID of the fact you want to link to. "[factlink]" appears in the position which was chosen earlier. In the final view of the text, "[factlink]" will be replaced with the title of the text.
 Factimage Icon - 1123604.1Include images:
Direct the cursor to the desired position. Click on the button. Choose an image by clicking on it. Please note, that an image needs to be uploaded to the platform before you can include it in a text (see chapter "Insert images").
 Factfile Icon - 1123608.1


With this button you are able to upload files directly.

 Factinclude Icon - 1123600.1Factinclude:
With this button you can include full texts from other facts.
 Link_icon - 1121073.1Include external links:
Enter a link name. Highlight the name. Click on the button. Enter the URL of the website you want to link to.
 Unlink Icon - 1123612.1


Position your cursor inside a linked word. Click on the button. The link is removed.

 justifylefticon - 1127908.1Align left:
Left-align your marked text.
 justifyicon - 1127904.1Align center:
Center-align your marked text.
 justifyrighticon - 1127912.1Align right:
Right-align your marked text. .
 justifyfullicon - 1127916.1

Align full:

Justify your marked text. .

 ausricon - 1127924.1Outdent:
Outdent your text with this button.
 einricon - 1127896.1Indent:
Indent your text with this button.
 bullisticon - 1127862.1Unordered list:
List with this button.
 numlisticon - 1127920.1Ordered list:
List with this button.
 formaticon - 1128018.1


Use the drop-down list to format headings. 

 subicon - 1127960.1 Subscript:
Subscript text elements with this button. Example
 supicon - 1127964.1 Superscript:
Superscript text elements with this button. Example
charmap - 1127866.1
Custom character:
Choose under an amount of suggested characters.
 Undo_Icon - 1121079.1 Undo:
With this button you can undo steps of your creation.
 redoicon - 1127940.1 Redo:
With this button you can redo your changes.
 cuticon - 1127874.1


Cut text elements. 

 copyicon - 1127870.1


Copy text elements...

 pasteicon - 1127928.1


... and paste them somewhere else. 

 pastetexticon - 1127932.1


...as plain text. 

 pastewordicon - 1127936.1

Paste from MS Word:

Use this button to include text elements from MS Word.

searchicon - 1127952.1


Search after words.

 replaceicon - 1127948.1


Search after words and replace them. 

 Table Icon - 1123620.1Create tables:
First, select “create table” from menu. A pop-up window will open. Insert the number of columns. The first row of the table will be created. Subsequently, one can supplement the table with further data, e.g., the number of rows. In addition you can position your cursor in the table and select the appropriate function from the table menu.
 tablerowprop - 1128002.1

Table row properties:

Fix properties of chosen rows.. 

 tablecellpropicon - 1127970.1

Table cell properties:

Fix properties of chosen cells. 

 insertrowbeforeicon - 1127994.1

Insert row before:

Use this button to insert a row before another. 

 insertrowaftericon - 1127990.1

Insert row after:

Use this button to insert a row after another. 

 tabledeleterowicon - 1127978.1

Delete row:

Use this button to delete a row.

 insertcolumnbeforeicon - 1127986.1

Insert column before: 

Use this button to insert a column before another. 

 insertcolumnaftericon - 1127982.1

Insert column after: 

Use this button to insert a row after another.
 tabledeletecolumnicon - 1127974.2

Delete column:

Use this button to delete a column. 

 tablesplitcellsicon - 1128006.1

Split table cells:

Use this button to split chosen cells. 

 tablemergepropicon - 1127998.1

Merge table cells:

Use this button to merge marked cells. 

hricon - 1127886.1
Horizontal line:
Use this button to insert a horizontal line.
 removeformaticon - 1127944.1Remove formatting:
Mark the text element, of which format you want to remove and click the button.
 helpicon - 1127882.1


If you need helo, the help-button might be useful. 

HTML Icon - 1123616.1


Use the button to switch to the HTML-mode

As soon as your text entry and formatting is completed, click on “Publish".