The current text editor used by FCS is TinyMCE 3.2.
When one creates and edits a text, one should decide on one of the two input modes. Changing between the
two modes is possible, however you must note that during conversion, much of the formatting is lost.
If you nevertheless would like to change the editing mode, click on the red link in the left column, that
says either “switch to html plain text mode” or “switch to facttext editor mode”. In both cases a pop-up
window will open, in which you are warned about the loss of formatting, should you continue. Here you can
still cancel the conversion or proceed as desired.
HTML -> facttext:
With this variant, you have the choice
between an “advanced” or a “fast” conversion. The advanced conversion attempts to obtain a portion of the
HTML coding, but cannot always deliver successful results. If the result doesn’t meet your expectations,
click right below on “cancel” in order to receive the original HTML variation. With the fast conversion,
all HTML codes are automatically deleted and converted to pure text.
facttext -> HTML:
This conversion is somewhat more
successful than the opposite variant. Tables are lost, however, in all cases.