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Karsten Rühl

born 25.12.68 in Bonn

-lives in Carinthia and Vienna – writes textes, monologues
since 4 years,
and presents now his first  play: ?Hypnose?
(it plays in a psychiatric long-term-hostel)

- 2. place at the big ORF-Poetry Slam in the Radiokulturhaus Vienna 2004
- reading of own textes, amongst others, within the school of composition, Ö1, vernissages 
- has worked for two years as a civilian servant in a german psychiatry. He almost went mad too.
- he plays theatre since 10 years (apprenticeship at the Mozartteum in Salzburg)
and is a very sad human, if he doesn't communicate with the audience.
- Theaterengagements at the playhouse in Zürich, Vienna, citytheatre Klagenfurt

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