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Saturday 15-12-2012

  //  20:30

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Tanzquartier Wien

 Halle G





and performative discourse - LAB

Installation and discussion

on the revolution


see further information:


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Museumsplatz 1

A-1070 Wien


tickets and reservation:

    RADIO REVOLUTION broadcasts
    LIVE-broadcast at 21:45 on campus & cityradio 94.4 and on NJOY Radio 91.3 In the following days and weeks, the radioprogram will be broadcasted in individual editions on:
    blanc - 245090.1  blanc - 245090.1


articstic direction, concept, host, Thomas J. Jelinek  
sounddirection, Thomas Wagensommerer
video, Peter Koger
broadcast moderation, Anna Soucek (Redakteurin Ö1 Kultur)
broadcast director, Anna Michalski
broadcast team, Simon Olipitz, Tobias Karl
speakers, Tina Muliar, Harald Jokesch
sound, DJ, Eargazm

violin, Auris Kurosaki
dramaturgy supervision, Sandra Noeth (Tanzquartier)
choreographic consultant, AIKO/Kazuko Kurosaki
webcommunication/research, Olga Susman
epistemological dramaturgy, Jan Deck (Frankfurt a.M. / Berlin)
artistic assistance, Magdalena Meindl
foto, Andrea Peller


F8, Regina Picker, Anna Reitbauer, Brigitte Wilfing, u.a.


Katja Kobolt, curator, publicist, cultural producer - a. o. in the feminist collective of curatirs REDMIN(E)D (Ljubljana, Munich)

Stefan Lutschinger, philosopher, curator / project:

           Class War Games (London, Moskow, Vienna)
Robert Misik, journalist & author (Wien)

Julieta Rudich, journalist, tv producer

CO-PRODUCTION: Tanzquartier Wien

                                 campus & cityradio 94.4



A toilet roll, enamelled copper wire, ten metres of cable. Two meters of wire, a diode, rubber bands, sandpaper, sticking tape and headphones.


With the radio a medium was invented that made it possible to reach many people at little expense. As a simple instrument that can do without controlled network technology, it has also until today remained a symbol of free exchange of opinion, which facilitates the production of oppositional publics and the spread of unauthorised information.

Together with the audience and a range of guests, Thomas Jelinek makes a radio programme to be broadcast to the world. The discourse is the programme, the recording of the radio programme is performance – between emancipation and manipulation of bodies through the disembodied medium of short-wave. At the present point in time, at which the collapse of the global system seems to be unstoppable and radical upheaval is heralded, Radio Revolution puts reality up for discussion. Through the act of cooperation, the individual creative moments of raising one’s voice and the action between all those present becomes a politically creative process in which reality and its changeability is decided.
Six days before the announced end of the world, Nomad invites you to a formulation of the last revolution, of personal opinions and utopias – to the ultimate Last Supper and open-table discussion.

OE 1 - Kunstradio


  Radio AGORA 105.5     (Kärnten)

 campus & cityradio 94.4  (St. Pölten)
FREIRAD 105.9 (Innsbruck)

Radio FRO 105.0            (Linz)

Orange 94.0          (Wien)
PI-radio 88.4        (Berlin)

radiofabrik Salzburg 107.5 / 97.3   (Salzburg)

radio X Frankfurt. 91.8       (Frankfurt/M)




     people (t.b.c)  

































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Aiko / Kazuko Kurosaki J/A
dancer, choreographer, performer
born in Tokyo /Japan - living and working in Vienna /Austria
for many years member and assistance of Cie. Ariadone / Carlotta Ikeda / Butoh
numerous solo and company works at various festivas in inland and abroad 




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Foto: Simon Fachel 2011


Jan Deck

is a political scientist and works as a free dramaturg, director and curator in different venues. In 2007, foundation of the performance group Profi Kollektion together with Katja Kämmerer. Since 2008, direction of Forum Diskurs Dramaturgie, a consortium of Dramaturgische Gesellschaft, together with Natalie Driemeyer. Executive of laPROF, the Landesverband Professionelle Freie Darstellende Künste Hessen. Together with Angelika Sieburg editor of: Paradoxien des Zuschauens (2008) and Politisch Theater machen (2011).





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Producer = Music for Filmscores, TV-Spots, Radio and Theatre
DJ = Live with Ensembles on festivals and Solo-Act in Clubs and Festivals 






(Huit Femmes) is a formation of performers who met in the project Interferencias Austria and continued to collaborate since autumn 2012. Their first projects together were an Intervention and Performance at the main library of Vienna and a performative installation at EduCult in the format of salon of cultures. Recently they became a guest group of ftp/WUK.





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Harald Jokesch
born 1960 in Graz
after studying acting at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, he worked from 1984-1990 at the theatre Wilhelmshaven and in Hamburg. Since 1990 freelance actor, director and performer in Vienna: Aktionstheater Ensemble, Hubsi Kramar, Bruno Max, Gerhard Fresacher, Jonas Lahtinen and various in-house productions (including in dietheater Wien).
Since 1997, close cooperation with Thomas Jelinek: "Blue" (Jarman), "Johnny Got His Gun" (Trumbo), Contextlab 1-23 (Coproduction) and more.





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 Tobias Karl

 Born in Wilhelmsburg, called to grandeur. Tobias Karl is a student at Fachhochschule St. Pölten, program of studies: media engineering. The interest in the medium radio has exisited for a long time, in the meantime it has become the biggest hobby. Whether it is engineering or editorial work, this man is game for anything.





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Foto: Heidi Mayer


Katja Kobolt

is a curator, researcher and cultural producer living and working in Munich, Germany and Ljubljana, Slovenia. She holds a MA in comparative literature and journalism from the University of Ljubljana and a PhD in interdisciplinary literary studies from the University Ludwig-Maximilian Munich (Frauen Schreiben Geschichte(n): Krieg, Geschlecht und Erinnern im ehemaligen Jugoslawien, 2009, Drava Verlag). Her articles and essays on literature, art and feminism have been published internationally (e.g. she acted as a co-editor of Gender, literature, and cultural memory in the post-Yugoslav space, 2009, Borec). Katja has (co)curated and (co)produced various art, theoretical and cultural projects in Ljubljana, Munich, Zagreb, Bratislava, Sarajevo, Berlin, Belgrade and Vienna (e.g. art co-directing of the City of Women Festival, ; art programme of the Cross Border Experience project, ; and The Bring In Take Out – Living Archive, ). Katja was also a guest lecturer at the Humboldt University of Berlin and as a speaker attended numerous international art and theoretical events. Fields of her curatorial, research and political interests are: feminism, art, politics, social change as well as (memory) politics. Katja trys allways to follow challanges of collaborative methods of working and the agenda of a (self)critique of inscribed and naturalized (neo)liberal scopes of thinking and acting. 




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Stefan Lutschinger (London/Vienna)

is a London-based artist, best known for his controversial performances with Class Wargames. His research interests lie in dialectic conflict simulation and game-based learning. He teaches media and cultural studies at Middlesex University, UK.





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 Anna Michalski

worked as a news presenter at the commercial radiostation Kronehit for ten years. Since may 2010 she ist the program director of campus & cityradio 94.4 in St. Pölten and also works as a freelance trainer and moderator. In october 2012 she returned to school at donauuniversity in krems to study for her masters in human rights.





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Foto: Daniel Novotny.


Robert Misik

was born in Vienna in 1966. He lives as a Writer in Vienna, Austria, and contributes regularily to Austrian and German Newspapers and Magazines. Since 2007 he produces the popular weekly Videoblog-Show “FS Misik” for the Austrian Daily “Der Standard”. 





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Tina Muliar

actress, student and Pinkpink Sorbet





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Simon Olipitz

studied Media Management at the university of applied sciences St. Pölten. During this time he started working for Campus & City Radio in many different roles, from moderating shows to organizing the music program. The twenty-five-year-old, who is currently responsible for presenting radio workshops, is also an editor for the music magazine "skug" and works as assistance for the Austrian TV production company "Gebhardt Productions".





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Andrea Peller,
photographer and camerawoman.
Her creative spectrum expands from theater-, advertisement- and documentary photography to portrait photography. Expositions and projects in Austria and abroad (a.o. Youth of Libya, collaborating photographer in diverse book-projects, visuals at the LABfactory-projects "Evaczation Room 01-04", curator at "Fill it up" Urban Art, artmark-Galerie Wien..).
She lives and works in Vienna.





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Anna Reitbauer

was born in Steyr/Upper Austria, studied contemporary dance and dance-pedagogics at IDA (Institute for Dance Arts) Anton Bruckner University Linz.
After her graduation she was member of postgraduate company x.IDA, where she danced in pieces of international choreographers like Catherine Guerin, Johannes Randolf , Avi Kaiser, Georg Blaschke and Filip van Huffel.
She got scholarship at Tanzquartier Wien, moved to Vienna and since then she worked for
Oleg Soulimenko, Susan Oswell, Tanztheater Springschuh, Dschungel Wien, Compagnie Smafu, Volksoper Wien, Compagnie Ex Nihilo, Cie.Willi Dorner und Editta Braun Company.





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Foto: Oskar Schmidt

Julieta Rudich

born in 1962 in Montevideo, lives in Vienna since 1978, where she works as journalist and producer for television, radio and print media. 





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Anna Soucek 

studied economics, art history, philosophy and curating in Vienna and London. She co-curated exhibitions at the South London Gallery and Künstlerhaus Vienna. In 2002 she co-founded the forum experimentelle architektur, an initiative for transdisciplinary discourse and public actions. She works as a freelance journalist for ORF Radio OE1.





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Olga Susman,

born in Germany, grown up and Highschool in Salzburg, studied Pharmacy at the University of Vienna. In Philosophy, Literature, Art and Politics interested webuser. Virtuell interactive web activist. Joined in the project "Unter Gang Art" /Lab Factory/Nomad Theatre in March 2012




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Thomas Wagensommerer
Lives and works in Vienna, Austria.
Studies of Digital Mediatechnology at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten,
Philosophy at the University Vienna, Transdiciplinary Art (TransArts) at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Works as mediaartist, musician and theoretician in both installative and performative ways.
Exhibitions and Performances at ZKM Karlsruhe, Ars Electronica Linz, Donaufestival Krems, MAK Wien, Festspielhaus St. Pölten, Darmstädter Ferienkurse, Ö1 Kunstradio, Mediaopera Wien,
Schikaneder Wien, Medienkunstlabor Graz, Diagonale Graz, Sophiensäle Berlin, Stift Melk, Künstlerhaus Wien, Vienna Independent Shorts, Galerie Krinzinger Projekte Wien, Nestroyhof Wien, Impulstanz Festival
Wien, Wien Modern etc.
Lecturer for Experimental Media at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten.





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