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Translating the system elements and content

To translate the platform system elements - e.g. structure and folder elements, a couple of conditions should be fulfilled, which is a task of the platform administrator.

1. The language help should be enabled.

2. Folder translation should be activated in padmin.

3. The translator should be administrator of the platform (configurable in sadmin).

The translation processes for service and structure elements are different from each other.

1. Translating service elements

Choose the language, which you want to translate to. Usually the language selectors are placed on the top right in the path frame of the platform. You will notice that the font becomes bold - the language is activated and the platform will be shown in that language.

At this time that change won`t be necessary noticeable, because the language might not already has been defined in padmin and only the default language (english or german) is shown.

The next step is activating the translation interface. To do so click on the "Settings" link and then from the left frame select "Switch on/off translation Interface".

When you click on "On", the whole platform gets changed. Now all elements that can be translated have a riny label on their lef side 1273429.png - 1279587.1. When you click on the label ( 1273429.png - 1279587.1 ), you can translate the text in the selected language.

Autor: Webservices GmbH factline; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: factline GmbH (factline6)
factID: 1279983.7 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 17 Dec. 2008 16:10
struktur  >  English  >  Manuals  >  p-admin manuals  >  additional options