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In order to give a review of your platform contents, you can create a structure-tree with folders and shortcuts. This is to be done in the area “structure”.

Interaction Structure – Services
Services are like pots where you archive the originals of different fact-types. In the structure-area you can structure all kinds of fact-types so that the correlation between these facts is seen (like an index or directory).

This structure-tree can be build with folders and shortcuts. Shortcuts are only a title with a link to a real fact in the background. A click on a shortcut immediately opens the real fact.

The content exists independently from the structure-tree in the service-“pots”. The structure consists only of shortcuts (“links”) to real facts, which can be grouped by folders. Not all facts have to appear in the structure-tree. On the other hand you can include several shortcuts to one single fact on different places in the structure-tree. Width and depth of the structure-tree are optional. Shortcuts can be created and deleted as often as you want. The real fact will not be affected by this.

info3 - 125057.2
Menu bar: By request it is possible to add buttons in the main menu bar to certain folders or shortcuts of the structure-tree.

<- back to: Design of the System
-> proceed to: Create shortcuts

Autor: Astrid Holzhauser; Publiziert von: Astrid Holzhauser (AstridH)
factID: 134515.1; Publiziert am 14 Okt. 2003 15:22
struktur  >  English  >  Glossary 
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