The new service e-buddy Mikroartikel helps to orginise the communication between IT experts and teachers who want to incorporate IT in their lessons. New e-buddy micro article can be created from structure by selecting the e-buddy service button or directly from the e-buddy repository. The e-buddy form contains the following services: Title | Name of the micro article | Name des eBuddy | Name of the supervised person | Name des Betreuten | Name of the supervisor | Schulart | You can chose from AHS, HS and HAK | Hospitation/Unterrichtsstunden | time/date | Ausgangslage | Obstacles/Opportunities for integration of ICT in class; which are the integrationpoints?; Which acquirements already exist and which are still missing/ | Frage/Problem-Antwort/Lösung | Which question, problem arose out of the supervision process and what solution was found. | Projektverlauf | | Lernergebnisse | | Projektergebnis | | IKT-Verwendung | | Beamer | | Änderungen der Projektstruktur | | Welche Position/Meinung vertritt die/der Betreute in Bezug auf die geleistete Unterstützung? | | Verwendete Materialien | |