Pieces of information ("Facts"), are seen as Texts, Pictures, Discussion forums, or a link description by means of "shortcut" will often be any variable of classified contexts. A special representation by the "obligated multiple assignments", which is the first time allowing a fact into the flow of work will be placed at multiple locations. Thus the information will always be availabe, where it will be directly needed.
Example from Experience:
Meeting protocol
A meeting protocol is created for a project. In the meeting the core theme is discussed, a wide range of decisions are met. One will want to remove multiple protocol: example under "Writing- Protocol" and potentially under "Vienna" - for place of venue. Ones placement in the folder Writing- Protocol, has a second folder automatically chosen (In the fall of Vienna for the location). The folder is automatically linked with the fact (the meeting protocol) and takes the two folders to disposal. It loses no information in the process.