The folder "Report" contains: - three sections: each section consists of reporting tamplates. There is a template for each partner, where they should post their report
- that consists of all sections
- reporting cockpit where you can see the status of each section for each partner
- table 1: deliverable list
- table 2: milestones list
useful tips for navigation Use pathline to navigate Below the main menu, the pathline is displayed. The pathline always shows you your current location on the platform. Moreover, the pathline can be used to easily navigate in the folder structure or hierarchy. In order to switch between folders simply click on the title in the plathline (e.g. "Report"). How to open your report folder In order to open your report folder, click on "Report" in the main menu. Then, click on "Country Report Master", select the section and then the subfolder for the right partner. Quick access to your folder Open the drop-down menu at the very top. Click on your partner name. |