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Group Function
You don´t have to set permissions for each user, but for groups (-> Permissioning System).
For each platform, an unlimited number of groups can be defined and each group may consist of an unlimited number of users. And, of course, users can be part of several groups.
infoSome groups are predefined: All users that register on the platform will automatically be included into the "Forum Main Group". The other predefined groups are "universe" (all), "guests" (every user that is not logged in yet is a guest as well), and "registered users" (all users that are registered on any factline platform).
The Hierarchy:
The platform administrator creates the groups and defines, what permission they should have on the platform level (e.g., some groups may not be permitted to access a specific service, etc.).

Users set permissions for the single item of information while creating or editing information (-> Permissioning System).

Autor: Hella Dietz; Copyright: factline; Publiziert von: Hella Dietz (Hella)
factID: 109570.1; Publiziert am 23 Apr. 2002 17:44
struktur  >  English  >  Manuals  >  User Maunal  >  Create Content 
Verweis(e) (2):
table of contents05 Mär. 2014factlink
Assign permissions to groups05 Jän. 2012factlink