Home > Structure > English > special tags > normal parser > factinclude > factlist > factinclude for folders
A newer version of this fact exists. (view)

factinclude for folders
<factinclude id.v/>


factinclude can take the following parameters:

  • limit



    With this parameter you can define how many search results to be displayed.


  • searchin



    Sets in which  fields the specified words will be searched.

    Possible values:

    • allfields
    • titlefield 
    • authorfield

  • pubonly



    With this parameter you can set which type of facts should be displayed according to the publishing state.

    Possible values:

    • pubonly - published facts only
    • unpubonly  - unpublished facts only
    • hidden - hidden facts

  • order



    The order how the list of facts will be displayed. Possible values are all sorting headers available in the Factlist and Search:

    • published
    • publisher
    • title
    • infoid 


    Please note:   The order depends on the doctype specification.

  • my_facts



    Displays only facts created by the user with the specified id number.

  • sort

    sort="desc" or sort="asc"


    Possible values are "asc" for ascendigly and "desc" for descendingly ordered results. Please, use lowercase for that values.

  • tagselectsearch

    tagselectsearch="value1, value2, value3, ..."


    This parameter allows you to set standard tag title search. The listed values are names of tags.


    For example:

    tagselectsearch="Cats, Dogs, Animals with a tail"

    Searches for three tags and filters by them facts that have the specified tags.

  • doctype



    System document type name.

    Possible valies:

    • factdoc
    • factfsfile
    • discussionentry

  • itemtemplate



    Between the quotation marks you should put the id.v of the text fact that should be used as a template for displaying of each row.

  • langid



    Filters the search results by the language defined in the meta information of the fact.

    Possible values:

    • "0" - English
    • "1" - German





For example:


<factinclude 1107069.0  display="icon, title, infoid" foldersonly="1"  levels="3"  dontdisplaylines="1" /> 


In the example above will be shown the icon, title and infoid of folders, which the folder with id=1107069.0  contain. If the folders have subfolders they will be also shown up to the 3rd level and and the lines that connect the folders and subfolders won`t be shown.

Author: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: Ivo Marinov (factline3)
factID: 1478543.1; published on 09 Jun. 2010 14:52
Structure  >  English  >  special tags  >  normal parser  >  factinclude  >  factlist 
Referers (1):
Factinclude Factlist01 Jul. 2010factinclude