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Input mask

Whenever you create content, you will be asked to fill in an input mask.

Fields of the input mask
The fields of the input mask vary according to the type of fact you are creating.

Below, you will find a list of all existing input fields in alphabetical order. If you click on one designation, you will receive a detailed explanation.

Format input fields
You can format your entries in the input fields "Text" and "Description". There are three different modes for formatting:

1) Text-Mode:
Simple text entry. Text can be formatted with HTML-tags.

2) Editor-Mode:
Editors allow you to format text similar to Microsoft Word.
You can find detailed help about its use in chapter "Working with TinyMCE editor".
3) HTML-Mode:
The text has to begin with <html> and end with </html>. This entry-mode is necessary for complex HTML-syntax (particularly with tables!).

For further information, see chapter "Format text in HTML".

Insert other text elements

In addition to typed text, you can also insert the following elements:
> Images
> Links
> Facts

Author: Astrid Holzhauser, CK; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline Webservices (factline5)
factID: 134764.31 (...history); published on 15 Sep. 2010 13:19
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